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Cherry Tree

Cherry Tree

 01708 460800
 [email protected]

Cherry Tree is a residential care home/bungalow that can accommodate and provide care for up to seven individuals with profound and multiple Learning Disabilities and/or Autism. Six people currently reside in the home, the majority of whom have lived there for close to 10 years. The home is loosely divided into high-intensity and low-arousal sides, as different residents have different needs and preferences. There is a high-intensity, colourful sensory room and a large lounge with soft play equipment and a large interactive screen for residents to use as well as musical instruments and sensory play objects. The low arousal areas such as the quiet room and small lounge have a calmer and more neutral feel to them, with books and sensory play activities available, as well as a bathroom with a jacuzzi bath. The home has two wet rooms and two bathrooms, a main kitchen as well and a small activity kitchen that is used for baking as well as learning new cooking and life skills. 

Cherry Tree supports residents with high levels of communication needs, with the Majority being non-verbal and relying on support to develop individualised communication aids such as PECs systems, learning and upskilling with Makaton as well as assistive technologies to give our residents the tools to communicate how they feel and say what they want to say. 

We promote an ethos of enablement and independence and value the choices made by our residents. We work with them in a way that best supports their behavioural and health needs.

We are set in the countryside with fields and a local day centre, however, we are also situated a 5-minute walk from TFL transport links, which our residents use on a regular basis. We promote involvement in the community and residents of Cherry Tree are supported to access the community to shop for themselves, go on day trips, take a walk around town or any other area they may wish to visit. Each of our residents has their own goal with travelling on public transport and accessing the community, which we support them to reach.

Each individual we support has their own bespoke activity planner that is developed with the individual and their key worker, to ensure a person-centred approach.  Each individual has a bespoke support plan that is developed with their family, our team of support workers and key workers, as well as any professionals and all relevant people in the individual’s life.